Ending hunger.

Medical Students Against Hunger is a Student-Led Organization at the Wayne State University School of Medicine that helps underserved communities by donating food to Detroit Soup Kitchens.

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Fighting food insecurity.

Medical Students Against Hunger provides nutritional support to underserved communities in Michigan. The organization is dedicated to addressing food insecurities and building a culture of physician-advocates that base themselves in the communities they serve.

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Our Founders

In November of 2022, after volunteering together at local food shelters, two medical students from the Wayne State University School of Medicine recognized the lack of quality meat supplied to populations with food insecurities in Detroit. Together, they created Medical Students for Hunger as an attempt to aid the communities that they will be caring for.

Ryan and Daniel have a strong connection to their community and a passion for building relationships. They have applied this passion to drive positive change through community advocacy. As future physician-advocates, their goal is to provide nutritious support to individuals struggling with food insecurity.

Ryan Katz

Co-Founder, Medical Student

Daniel Saxon

Co-Founder, Medical Student

Frequently Asked Questions


What do we do?

Although students and faculty are short for time due to the demanding workload that is medical school, the organization aims to allot time during weekends and breaks to travel to rural Michigan for hunting and fishing trips. Hunting trips primarily occur during the months of October through February, as deer season extends through this time for archery. Fishing trips are the most prominent form of donations in the Summer months. All meat acquired through these trips are donated to local food shelters around the city of Detroit, as well as food kitchens affiliated with Wayne State University.


Who do we help?

Medical Students Against Hunger aims to help the communities of Detroit that experience food insecurity. According to the Detroit Food Policy Council, 48% of households in Detroit are food insecure, while 40% of households are reliant upon food stamps. As aspiring healthcare professionals, and students with an urge to aid in their communities, we aim to alleviate at least a small portion of this immense problem.


How can you help?

If you’d like to get involved with Medical Students Against Hunger, or acquire more information about the organization you may send an email to Daniel Saxon ( or Ryan Katz ( , Co-Founders of the organization.